Book Excerpts: The Three Boxes of Life

Three Boxes of Life

By Richard N. Bolles. Tenspeed Press. 1978. 1981.

Chapter Two: How To Get Out Of Them: Life/Work Planning

“When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”
– Samuel Jackson

You want some tools then, to help you build a better balance (throughout your whole life) between Learning, Working, and Playing. That activity, by definition, is called Life/Work Planning.

If you get up on a Sunday morning and you think of eight different things you might do that day, before discarding five of them in your head and deciding to do the remaining three–that is Life/Work Planning, in at least a primitive form.

The assumption that your life has three stages to it is very pervasive and powerful. Our society simply takes it for granted that when you are young, you will study; and when you are an adult, you will work; and when you are old, you will do nothing.

A better balance between education, work, and leisure–or learning, working, and playing, within Each Week. For example, three days a week devoted to work, two days devoted to leisure or playing, and two days a week devoted to education or study.

You are in charge of your life. No matter how many forces there may be which seem to influence or even dictate part of your life, there is always That Part over which you have control. You can increase that control.

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