There are two ways to make improvements in the world: you either reduce or eliminate that which is bad or you create or increase that which is good. For example, the list of bad things to eliminate could include curing various kinds of cancer, or reducing or eliminating hunger, or wiping out malaria, or reducing the number of animals that are euthanized or in shelters, or reducing environmental pollution, or are reducing the incidence of wrong beliefs in the world.
In an Ideal World
Everyone has a life partner. No one is lonely. The process of finding a compatible life partner has been vastly improved.
Everyone who is working is working at an interesting, meaningful, fulfilling job. No one hates their job. There is no unemployment.
Everyone develops their full potential.
Everyone has a sense that they are making a significant contribution to the world.
No depression.
Rich communication across scientific disciplines, accelerating the pace of discovery.
No physical, emotional, and verbal abuse of children, women, or men.
Well-educated electorates.
Equitable distribution of wealth and income
Everyone is physically fit. No one is obese or malnourished.
We have stopped pumping huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere and global warming has stabilized.
Everyone has a clean, comfortable home.
Everyone is eating nutritious meals. There is no food insecurity or starvation.
All mental illnesses have been cured or are treatable. This includes schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and so on.
An optimal balance has been struck between using natural resources and environmental degradation.
There is no discrimination (on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, etc).
Everyone thinks critically. People base their beliefs on evidence and reason, not blind faith or wishful thinking.
All countries are democracies, with governments answerable to those governed. Authoritarian rule has ended in China and elsewhere.
The long conflict between Palestinians and Israelis has ended. They now share the land of the eastern Mediterranean.
Aging and physical deterioration has been conquered. The causes of aging are now understood down to a genetic and molecular level and therapies have been created to halt the aging process.
Everyone is well educated. Education is seen as a basic right and is publicly funded.
There is no more sexual repression, dysfunction, or pathology.
There is no human trafficking for sex or forced labor.
No one abuses drugs or alcohol.
Agriculture is now sustainable. Large scale use of petroleum-based fertilizer and pesticides has ended. Food is nutritious and readily available to everyone at an affordable price. Cruel treatment of animals on farms has ended.
No animals are euthanized due to lack of a home.
There are no unwanted pregnancies. Contraception is safe, widely available and 100% effective.
All sexually transmitted diseases have been cured or are completely treatable.
There is no suicide.
No one bullies anyone.
There is no more political corruption.
There is widespread knowledge and understanding of science, history, and other branches of knowledge that seek to understand the world.
Everyone has access to affordable healthcare.
All diseases (including cancer and cardiovascular disease) have been cured or are completely treatable.
Everyone has access to efficient, affordable public transportation.
Everyone is physically attractive.
There are no traffic jams.